Illustration of Christmas wreath in the shape of a love heart
Season’s greetings from UnitingCare

From our family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the blessings of peace, hope, joy and love be yours this Christmas.

A young girl hugging a plush toy teddy, looking concerned in deep thought

Please share love and comfort with families in need this Christmas

This year, many Queenslanders are facing family and financial pressure, and are suddenly finding themselves worried about how they can stay safe, keep a roof over their family's head and put food on the table this Christmas.

Your donation today can help:

  • buy a gift for a child or young person who would otherwise go without
  • bring a decent meal – and dignity – to a family’s table at Christmas.
  • ease the financial burden on a distressed family by helping with a bill or essential item.
Donate today

We will walk with you in times of need

In this ever-changing world, our commitment to care and support is a reassuring constant. We understand that times of need can leave people feeling alone and vulnerable. That’s why we’re one big family working hard to bring us all closer together. At Christmas, this commitment is stronger than ever.

At UnitingCare Queensland, our team of 16,500 employees and 9,000 volunteers connects every corner of Queensland and the Northern Territory with much-needed health and community services. As one of the largest charities in Australia, we’re here to help you live life in all its fullness.